to 부정사 정리 1편. 중학교 기본 내용(중1-중3까지 커버 가능)편하게 읽는 영문법 2025. 1. 2. 18:26
To 부정사 - 1
1. 명사적용법(-것,-기)
주어 To eat an apple is good.
가주어 It is good to eat an apple.
목적어 I hope to be a doctor.
보어 종민's dream is to be a pocketmon trainer.
2. 형용사적 용법(-하는, -한, 할)
N to v (to v 하는 N)
a chair to sit (on)
a pencil to write with
a paper to write on
something to eat - something hot to eat.
3. 부사적 용법
- 하기위해서 I was born to love you.
-해서 I am happy to see you.
....해서-하다 I grew up to be a pocketmon trainer.
-하기에 this book is easy to read.
-하다니 채윤 must be kind to help her parents.
-한다면 to turn left, you can see the building
*I don't know how to play * why to는 사용불가.
= I don't know how I should play
* be to v 용법
- can, will, should, -할 의도이다, -할 운명이다.
4. 의미상의 주어. to 부정사 앞에 for이나 of를 붙힌다.
사람의 성격,성향,감정일때 of 쓴다.
It is difficult for him(그가) to read books.
It is nice of her(그녀가) to help her parents.
5. too-to
* he is so weak that he can't carry the books.
= he is too weak to carry the books.
* the books were so heavy that he couldn't carry them.
= the books were too heavy for him to carry.
enough to
he is so strong that he can carry the books.
= he is strong enough to carry the books.쪽지시험
1.To eat an apple is good.
2.It is good to eat an apple.
3.I hope to be a doctor.
4.종민's dream is to be a pocketmon trainer.
해석 및 용법 쓰기
5. a chair to sit (on)
6.a pencil to write with
7.I was born to love you.
8.I am happy to see you.
9. I grew up to be a pocketmon trainer.
10. this book is easy to read.
11. 채윤 must be kind to help her parents.
12. to turn left, you can see the building
13. I don't know how to play
14-15 be to v 해석 5가지 쓰기.
* 알맞은 의미상 주어 적기
16.It is difficult [ ] him to read books.
17.It is nice [ ] her to help her parents.
18 he is so weak that he can't carry the books.
19 the books were so heavy that he couldn't carry them.
20he is so strong that he can carry the books.
* 뜻
21 to begin with 22 so to speak 23. to tell the truth 24. to be sure쪽지시험 답
해석 및 주,목,보중 무엇인지 쓰기
1.To eat an apple is good.
2.It is good to eat an apple.
3.I hope to be a doctor.
4.종민's dream is to be a pocketmon trainer.
해석 및 용법 쓰기
5. a chair to sit (on) 앉을 의자 형
6.a pencil to write with 쓸 펜 형
7.I was born to love you. 너를 사랑하기 위해 태어났다. 부
8.I am happy to see you. 너를 보게되서 기뽀 부
9. I grew up to be a pocketmon trainer. 나는 자라서 포켓몬트레이너가 되었다. 부
10. this book is easy to read. 이 책은 읽기에 쉽다 부
11. 채윤 must be kind to help her parents. 채윤이는 그녀의 부모님을 돕다니 친절함에 틀림없다. 부
12. to turn left, you can see the building 왼쪽으로 돌면 너는 건물을 볼 수 있다. 부
13. I don't know how to play
=I don't know how I should play
14-15 be to v 해석 5가지 쓰기.
can will should 의도 운명
* 알맞은 의미상 주어 적기
16.It is difficult [ ] him to read books. for
17.It is nice [ ] her to help her parents. of
18 he is so weak that he can't carry the books.
he is too weak to carry the books.
19 the books were so heavy that he couldn't carry them.
the books were too heavy for him to carry
20 he is so strong that he can carry the books.
he is strong enough to carry the books.
* 뜻
21 to begin with 우선 22 so to speak 말하자면
23. to tell the truth 사실대로 말하면 24. to be sure 확실히
To 부정사 - 1 [노트정리 하면서 복습 숙제]
1. 명사적용법(-것,-기)
주어 To eat an apple is good. 사과를 먹는것은 좋다
가주어 It is good to eat an apple. 사과를 먹는것은 좋다
목적어 I hope to be a doctor. 나는 의사가 되기를 바란다
보어 종민's dream is to be a pocketmon trainer. 종민이 꿈은 포켓몬트레이너가 되는것이다.
2. 형용사적 용법(-하는, -한, 할)
N to v (to v 하는 N)
a chair to sit (on)
a pencil to write with
a paper to write on
something to eat - something hot to eat.
3. 부사적 용법
- 하기위해서 I was born to love you.
-해서 I am happy to see you.
....해서-하다 I grew up to be a pocketmon trainer.
-하기에 this book is easy to read.
-하다니 채윤 must be kind to help her parents.
-한다면 to turn left, you can see the building
*I don't know how to play * why to는 사용불가.
= I don't know how I should play
* be to v 용법
- can, will, should, -할 의도이다, -할 운명이다.
4. 의미상의 주어. to 부정사 앞에 for이나 of를 붙힌다.
사람의 성격,성향,감정일때 of 쓴다.
It is difficult for him(그가) to read books.
It is nice of her(그녀가) to help her parents.
5. too-to
* he is so weak that he can't carry the books.
= he is too weak to carry the books.
* the books were so heavy that he couldn't carry them.
= the books were too heavy for him to carry.
enough to
he is so strong that he can carry the books.
= he is strong enough to carry the books.반응형'편하게 읽는 영문법' 카테고리의 다른 글
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