중학교 문법. 현재완료 과거완료 정리 및 내신시험에 꼭나오는 객관식 서술형 유형.편하게 읽는 영문법 2025. 2. 6. 14:56
중학영문법 시제
객관식 2유형 / 서술형 1유형.
S have/has [not/never] pp.
현재완료 : since(이후로), for+숫자 (동안) /// 과거 : yesterday, ago, in연도, last, when
1. 어법상 일치하는 것은?
- have / has. 주어가 3인칭단수이면 has이고 나머지는 have 쓴다.
- have not made(0) / don't have made(x) 부정문 주의
- 의문문 주의 Have S pp(0) / does 석훈 have pp(x)
- pp. have made(0) / have maken(x), have ate(x)
- I made robots for 3 years. -> have made
시우 have not ate banana yesterday.
- 시우 has not eaten banana.
2. 현재완료 4가지 용법. 다음 중 밑줄친 부분의 용법이 다른것은?
-계속 he has studied english for 2 years. for 동안 / since 이후로
-경험 he has been to Tokyo has been to 가본적이 있다. never, ever, before
-결과 he has gone to Tokyo has gone to 가 버렸다.
-완료 he has just finished homework. yet, already, just(지금 막)
she has been there (경험)
she has met 세븐틴 before (경험)
he has played the guitar for 1 hours (계속)
he was busy yesterday. he is still busy now.
- he has been busy since yesterday.
you were watching TV when I came home. you are still watching TV.
- you have been watching TV since I came home.
과거완료. had pp(대과거)
* 기준이 되는 과거가 있어야 함.
when you gave me a call, I had just arrived at the school.반응형'편하게 읽는 영문법' 카테고리의 다른 글
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