다이어트와 인터넷 악플에 관련된 영어회화 표현들.Learning English 2017. 1. 5. 01:06
I couldn't stand it
when there is an elephant in the room.
*elephant in the room. = I wanna talk about it.
I am gonna haunt them down and punch them
*haunt someone down
끝까지 쫗아가서 찾아낸다
I would leave the chatting room.
집에서 몇시에 나오니?
when do you leave home.
unfriend him.
I think they should reveal their name.
익명아닌, 이름 드러내는
it’s happening cause it’s anonymous 익명의
sue 고소하다
if someone gets bullied they should sue them.
cyber bullying is the same as murdering someone.
*I’ve never thought about it.
cut someone off. / =block = shut someone off.
I am gonna cut my colleagues off, if she cyber-bullies me.
if I report 신고하다 to cyber police. the process is gonna be really complicated.
it’s difficult to say mean things in person
*in person 직접
but in the internet when you are not facing each other. it’s easy to write and say bad things.
especially there are many people who gets shy in Korea.
so most people can’t tell the truth that are harsh to people.
so they wanna say things through computer.
it shouldn’t be anonymous
익명이 아닌
everyone is against of making this rule.
there is a risk, that personal info might be revealed or hacked. people might use someone else’s ID.
the best way to deal with is, to just ignore them.
law should be more strict. and serious.
punishment should be more harsh.
대체할것이 있어야된다
they should have the right substitution
instead of punishing people.
적극적인 사람이 아니다
they are not aggressive,
they are not forward people.
there is even a thing called “Data shuttle” just like 빵셔틀,
bullies are bullying weak students to get Data for cellphone.
personality / aptitude
it's what keeps you going.
people bring what's famous in their own region .
most of them are healthy stuff.
be on a diet.
다이어트 중인
diet = 식단
did it work? 효과?
I dropped 3kg.
after a month I gained back
you seem like you have a high metabolism
살안찌는 체질
you are very diligent
I deserve to eat.
I used to be a little chubby
약간 통통
herbal tea
intermittent fasting
one meal a day
paleo dieet
It should be a part of your life.
it can't be continued
it would've worked
would've p.p.
should've p.p..
could've p.p
unreal grammar.
everyone wants to have chicken for late night snack.
late night snack
you just can't get enough
you just had to go to space
it was the dream for pregnancy
I just got chill on my spine
reading a palm
컬리쥐 = 대학교
컬리그 - 동료
they are so sly
make out
go out with me.
go out (on a date)
I Was put under
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