외국인 질문
기초 회화. 기본적인 질문에 묻고 답하기 10가지 해봅시다!! 이 정도되면 외국여행은 문제없음.Learning English 2018. 5. 9. 22:54
기초 영어회화 묻고 답하기 10가지. 1. Can I have a drink? What kind of drink do you want? 2. Can i try on this jacket? try it on! the fitting room is left 3. can you give me some food you're not allowed to eat here. 4. Can you call me back I'll call you back in 10 min 5. Are you trying getting a job I've already got a job 6. Do u want to wait for me? yes, I have something to tell you- 7. do you know how to dr..