원어민과 대화할 수 있는 기초 영어. 많이 쓰는 일상 영어 표헌Learning English 2018. 5. 10. 23:43
일상 영어 표현
묻고 답하기!!
1. who wants icecream?
no one does
2. who are you calling
I'm calling my friend i met yesterday
3. which do you like better, rain or snow?
I dont like either of them
4. which one is bigger?
I think both are the same
5. how have you been?
I have been working
6. how do you spend your time?
I spent my time walking with my dog
7. how would you like that cook?
don't over cook
8. how many people can do that?
one more person is needed
9. how much time do you need?
one week will be enough
10. how long does it take to write the book?
I'll take more than one year
기초 일상 회화 표현은 계속됩니다!!
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