
  • 중학생 영어 수행평가 영작 글쓰기 연습. 목동 목운중 사례.
    중등부 영어교과서 2020. 8. 10. 15:49

    글로벌 시대에 영어 작문 능력은 점점 더 중요해지고 있습니다.


    이에 학교에서는 학생들 수행평가로 영어 글쓰기를 내주는데요.



    사실 학생들이 쓰다보면 철자부터 문법등 여러면에서 오류가 있습니다.

    그런것들을 하나하나 수정하면서 글쓰기를 연습해나가야겠죠^^



    좋아하는 음식에 대해 묻는 수행평가 입니다.

    조건은 일정 글자수와 특정문법을 반드시 포함해야합니다!



    what kind of food do you like?


    there are many kinds of food, but there are also many good foods so I recommend some good foods


    first is salmon. salmon has many nutrients, which make your body healthy. salmon also good for heart disaster.


    if you want to make your body healthy, you should eat salmon. so l have been eating salmon every month!


    second is blueberry. blueberry is already famous for good food. blueberry is good for human eyes. blueberry tastes very delicious. if you want to improve you eyes, you should eat blueberry.


    third is egg yolk. egg yolk is good at diet. if you want to remove your weight. you should eat egg yolk

    one more thing. you can mix and eat these three foods.


    I recommend salad. salad is easy and good for your diet. if you want to make your body healthy, you should eat these three foods!



    이 학생은 알려준대로 주제부터 근거를 대는 배열법 그리고 마무리로

    논리적으로 깔끔하게 연결했네요 그 부분에대해 칭찬해주었습니다 ㅎㅎ



    2번째는 재난 영화 리뷰입니다.


    Topic: My Disaster Movie Review


    Today, let me introduce you to a disaster movie. I have watched many movies since I was young. Among them, I will introduce the movie 'Contagion', which I saw the most impressive.


    First of all, I will tell you the plot of the movie. The movie starts with an infected person. Soon after, people around the world die because of the same symptoms. The transmission made through daily contact increases the number enormously. In the United States, two doctors are sent to the scene of the infection to find the route of the first outbreak. Later, vaccines are made and only those who have them save their lives.


    Secondly, I will explain my review. This movie is really similar to the Corona Virus compared to other movies. The movie itself is thrilling, but it makes us watch out for the virus because something similar has been happening in real life.


    I don't write a detailed plot in this article. I recommend you to watch all of this movie. I think people who like thriller movies will enjoy it well.



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